Well, after some time has passed, it seems that Microsoft's Terrarium is at least surfacing again. I have played around with Terrarium while doing some AI in the university. Official links are not working but googling a bit has popped a Microsoft site about some Canadian Terrarium contest. Look here http://msdn.microsoft.com/canada/terrarium/ in the bottom of the page you may even download some video made at the contest but it is not working.
The new download link on windowsclient.net is this one https://windowsclient.net/downloads/folders/starterkits/entry1269.aspx
Browsing through MSDN has surfaced that Tom Anderson did a VB.NET port of Terrarium from .NET framework version 1.x to 2.0. You will find the respective MSDN post here
Unfortunately, he has stopped working on the project and there is no visible link to me where one can grab the .NET 2.0 port of Terrarium.
Maybe there is some time left to play around a bit ...
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14 years ago